Have you ever had the feeling like, I want to eat a piece of pizza, or bread, a cookie and then as soon as you take a bite you wanted more and more and basically you ate it all up instead of a bite.

Did you notice that most of the time these cravings come to us in the afternoon, right about 2 or 3 pm?


I used to have these cravings as well and it took me about a year or so to eliminate them from my diet.

What did I do?

I took control of my body in terms of what I eat, how much exercise I get, how I handle stress and take time to develop relationships with my family and friends.

As our bodies are like bio-computers that never make mistakes, we should listen to the message that it sends to us about our cravings. If we do not eat enough fat the body will try to compensate it with lots of carbohydrates. It naturally wants to be balanced.

As I continued my research, I realized that the cause of my cravings was the lack of macronutrients that led to this condition.

I started to incorporate more healthy fat and protein into my diet to provide macronutrient satisfaction for my body. I added extra virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and I make sure that with every meal that I have during the day, I eat a certain amount of protein. I gradually slowed down my sugar consumption, and now the only sweet food that I eat is fruits, vegetables and 85% dark chocolate.

Amazingly enough, the cravings disappeared. I am not looking for salty crackers or crunchy crust of Italian flat bread anymore.

Every time I have a meal, I visually create my plate, which I divide into 4 sections, where I have 50% of green leafy vegetables, 25 % of complex carbohydrates and 25 % of protein.  I get enough fat for my body by cooking with extra virgin olive and coconut oil.

I also make sure that I drink 8 glasses of spring water every day.

One of the things that I also consider very important to enhance our digestive system to work better is proper chewing. Instead of wolfing food down your stomach, please try to chew each bite at least thirty times. The digestion of food starts from the chewing process. Chewing your food thoroughly allows you to absorb more nutrients, help you maintain a healthy weight and enhance digestion. Most of our digestive problems start from not chewing our food properly.

Remember, that we do not have teeth in our stomach. Stomach acid is not able to break down the food that was not chewed properly. Chewing properly will also help to satisfy your body with less amount of food.

I share this experience with you because I used to have the same issues with cravings and digestive problems. I would like to help you overcome your cravings.

If you have some cravings that are unhealthy, make you gain weight, or if after eating this food it brings your energy level down try this:

1. Incorporate drinking lots of water into your diet. Identify the time of a day where you typically experience cravings, then remember to drink one or two glasses of water thirty minutes before it happens.

2. Balance your meal plate with macronutrients like fat, protein and carbohydrates.

3. Replace refined sugar with stevia, raw organic honey or fresh sweet fruit. On my website, I have the recipes where I use bananas instead of sugar.

4. Try to chew each bite of food at least 30 times to enhance digestion.

5. Learn how to handle stress. For example, breathing exercises, yoga, Pilates, meeting with friends, spa procedures can help you to relax your body.

I noticed that breathing exercise, spending time with my family and meeting with friends help me to comfort and relax my body. I also found that it elevates my mood.

6. Try not to eat added sugar at least for 21 days. I can guarantee you that you will lose weight, have more energy, sleep better and not to mention  your brain won’t be foggy in the afternoon anymore.

It is my hope and desire to encourage you on your way towards wellness!
Please, share your experience of getting rid of your cravings on our website.