You probably hear this a lot… “Stay active!” “Move more!” “Exercise!”
If you heard the message, then you’re 40 steps ahead of the next person who sits at their desk and computer all day.

You need to stay active at your desk and throughout your day in order to counteract the damage sitting can do to your body.

Your six 25 minute high-intensity workouts a week are very important, but you still need to move, move your body more than what you do if you’re slouching at your desk all day. Lack of energy, pain, and general discomfort come from sitting all day at your desk. Work on your posture now and you’ll be happy in the future. 
Many of us work by ourselves, if so, do it alone, if not, grab your coworkers and have them join in with you.


Don’t be a desk potato!

We’re a country that’s in danger of being known as the ‘nation of couch potatoes’ and this needs to change.

The World Health Organization has identified physical inactivity to be the fourth biggest killer of the modern world, and it has overtaken obesity. And it’s easy to see how it can happen without us even realizing…

Many of us spend 8 – 10 hours a day sat at our desks, while some of us will spend up to 19 hours at the computer! Then we all go home, sitting in a car to sit at the dining table for dinner, and finally, most unwind slumped on the sofa. Minimal activity, so much sitting… this won’t end well…

We always champion movement and that we must all move as much as we can! And this is true for everyday living, however, you may think you’ve done your moving for the day because of that morning HIIT class.

Think again!
While high-intensity exercise is brilliant for your health and you should fit it in around your schedule, you must still remember to be active at your desk.

Are you “Actively Sedentary”?

1. Use a stand-up desk
Stand-up desk, standing desk, adjustable desk – they come with many names but they all do the same thing. Just make sure you have an adjustable desk so it can be altered to a regular desk height when you tired.

2.Sit on an exercise ball
3.Set a timer
When the timer goes off, go for a walk around the office or stretch to work out those back muscles.
4. Try out a treadmill desk
5. Leg lifts under the desk with ankle weights
6. Mini exercise bike
A fantastic way to literally get exercise at your desk is to get a mini exercise bike that fits under your desk. Keep pedaling and work those legs – your circulation and calves will thank you!

7. Workout at lunchtime at your nearest fitness venue

If you want more out of your lunchtimes, then hit up your nearest fitness venue and do a class or a quick gym session.
Even if you can only fit in 30 – 40 mins, you will feel the difference in your productivity and happiness levels. 

A lunchtime workout will reenergize you for the afternoon and get that blood pumping.