I would like to talk about some rules for healthy living.

  1. Try to buy whole foods

We all know that Whole Foods or Live foods give us the most benefits and the most enzyme activity. These foods will help us to be naturally vibrant, energetic and happy.

2. Plan ahead and carry food with you.

Planning ahead of what you are going to eat and carrying food with you is a very smart idea. When you plan, you create healthy and balanced meals for yourselves and your children. It also saves you money!!! And… You are in control of what and how much you eat and how.

3. Eat when you are hungry and STOP when you are satisfied enough.

Emotional overeating is one of the reasons for obesity. We regularly turn to food when we want love and support. Do not eat if you are not hungry and also do not wait until you are overly hungry, because we lose control and eat the sweetest, fastest foods in sight.

4. Enjoy your eating process. Relax.

Most of the time we do not even stop what we are doing to sit down and eat. We keep our focus either on watching TV or working on a computer or doing something else. Thus, we wolf our food down.

However, eating is a time to rejuvenate your body and spirit and this is the time to calm down and enjoy each second of connection between you and that precious meal that makes your body vibrant, healthy and happy!
This is the time for gratitude for people that you have in your life or at the table around you. Try to slow down while eating and enjoy each bite for the sake of your health.

5. The importance of proper chewing is really underestimated

When we chew food, we break down large food particles into smaller ones so they can be digested more easily by the rest of the system and so our body can extract the most nutrients from them. Coated with lubricating saliva, small bits can more easily make their way down the esophagus and into the small intestine.
In fact, when we do not chew our food enough, some may go undigested. This can be a major problem since parts of this undigested food may eventually enter our bloodstream through small gaps that may exist between the enterocyte cells of the gut lining.

6. Try to eat local food in season.

Local produce is the freshest. It was not in a truck for several weeks, before it got on the shelf at your local grocery store. Knowing your farmers, fisheries, and what is available locally helps the food supply become more transparent. Eating foods in season also reduces the amount of pesticide and herbicide we consume.

7. Choose organically grown foods whenever possible.

Organic foods have higher nutrient levels because farmers who use organic methods add more nutrients to the soil, knowing that healthy plants can better fend off pests and that the nutrients end up in the crops. Organic plants create higher levels of antioxidants and protective polyphenols. Italian researchers found that levels of polyphenols, which are active antioxidant nutrients, were about a third higher in organic peaches and pears. Another recent study found that wild berries had twice the antioxidant level as conventionally grown berries.

8. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.

They are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals (plant produced substances) that protect us from heart disease, cancer, degenerative diseases, and other common health problems. Shoot for 8-10 servings of mostly vegetables and a few fruits per day.

If you follow these rules, they can have a huge impact on your health!